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Peckiiless technology empowers industries with cutting-edge gas sensing solutions, where accuracy meets innovation to shape a safer and cleaner future.
At Peckiiless, breakthroughs in gas sensing technology redefine the landscape of industrial safety and environmental monitoring. Our highly accurate gas sensors, boasting unparalleled selectivity and sensitivity, find diverse applications across a spectrum of crucial areas.
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In the realm of hydrogen purity, our gas sensor technology plays a crucial role in ensuring compliance with stringent standards such as ISO 146787:2022. This standard outlines the permissible levels of various contaminants that may compromise the purity of hydrogen gas. Our sensors offer precise detection capabilities, allowing for real-time monitoring of these contaminants to maintain the required purity levels. By providing accurate and reliable measurements, our sensors empower industries reliant on hydrogen, such as fuel cell technology and hydrogen production, to uphold quality standards and optimize their processes for maximum efficiency and safety.
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For the industrial sector, our gas sensor technology finds applications in both traditional chemical processing and emerging industries. Notable examples include optimizing processes in battery manufacturing and recycling by detecting harmful HF gas emissions, as well as ensuring the quality of biogas for integration into natural gas networks. Beyond industry, we also focus on air quality monitoring, particularly indoor environments in residential and commercial buildings. These sensors are designed to be compact, cost-effective, and capable of detecting various gases at very low concentrations. Despite the diverse range of gases they monitor, they thrive in relatively benign environmental conditions, making them ideal for widespread deployment.

If you are interested in learning more about utilizing our gas sensors for your industrial applications, please don't hesitate to get in touch with us. We can tailor sensor solutions to meet your specific requirements.

Chalmersplatsen 4, 412 96 Göteborg

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